London Calling


Yes, by the title you can tell that I’ve visited London, recently. Well, even if you can’t tell, I have. Mike (it’s what you call him), my husband, had a business trip in a city near London, and I tagged along. So, after four days in some pretty rustic digs, it was nice to spend some time in swankier surroundings. It was so nice to take a shower with warm, normal- pressure water and not scalding, firehose-pressure water. Truly nice.

gonativebed gonativebath



We’ve been to London before, but it was 9 years ago. And this time we rented a car. Mike believes himself to be an ambidextrous driver: he can drive on the right or left side of the road. We lived in Okinawa, Japan for 3 years, so this is from where his confidence stems. I, on the other hand, never drive on the opposite side of my current country. In other words, if I’m living in Japan and visit the U.S., I do not drive in the U.S.. I’m currently living in Germany, so no to driving in the U.K. But Mr. Ambidextrous took the wheel, so I was spared. 🙂

Mind you, when we reached London, we parked the car and rode the Tube around the city.

Day one was nice. It was a bit cold but we managed to find the Hard Rock Cafe (just where it was 9 years ago) and a place called Poppies. Mike found a site touting it as one of the best places to get Fish and Chips. It was good, but it was crowded. We found a table outside and ate immediately.  It wasn’t the best Fish and Chips we’d ever had, but it was good.

hardrocklondon poppies

Okay, now all that talk about fish and chips has made me hungry. I’ll finish up the London trip over the next few days.

Ciao! (chow…get it? I’m hungry…never mind. If I have to explain it…)

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